The Infostealer Pie: Python Malware Analysis

Hey Everyone, Happy New Year! I know, almost 2 months late but with all that is going on in this world and my life right now, writing a blog post was not at the top of my list. Hope you are all doing well.

So recently I came across a tweet from “0xToxin” regarding a malware called “Venus Stealer”, now usually everyday I come across tweets of malware, incidents and what not, but this one caught my attention because it said it was a python based malware. I had never analyzed a python based malware before so I said “hey, time to not sleep at night!” That is how all this started, I hope you learn something from this and enjoy the read. Also as you can see the post image is from DALL-E.

This article primarily just touches on the python aspect of the stealer and therefore should not be considered as a complete analysis, I have intentionally stayed away from analyzing the PE file too much as the intent was to understand the python side of things. In any case your feedback is most welcome along with anything else you want to share in the comments! Lets jump in! (Head to summary if you are in a hurry!)

[UPDATE 1] : (SPOILER ALERT) For details regarding how google app script can be used to receive data over web and use google sheets as a data store please scroll to bottom.

Basic Information & Sample source

Sample Source: MalwareBazaar

Sample Link:

Sample Hash (MD5): d58ce3bc7ea80069fbaa79b4db1e77db

Sample Hash (SHA256): 2e7371ac46e29730ed2739b041c619ea86d41a7b5032259a02f9fc8ac397988a

Sample Tag: Venus Stealer

File Type: “exe” PE File

Yes, a python malware packaged as an executable. It shouldn’t be a surprise since the ability to package python code into a executable has been with us since long. But one disadvantage of this approach from a malware author point of view would be relatively huge size. Now a days though, keeping malware lean does not seem to be a priority for most malware authors as exhibited by 100MB+ sized malware binaries. Some of these use size to their advantage as a lot of online sandbox and automated analysis tools along with EDR/AV tools do not scan files above a particular size. We will talk about such samples in upcoming blog posts, for now lets get back into the present topic.

Basic Triage

After downloading the sample, my first tool of choice was PEStudio, to find out the composition of the PE binary but for some reason it did not work in this case. PEStudio just kept on crunching it asking me to wait.

I decided to go with Detect it Easy since anyway I would have used it for its amazing packer detection capabilities. Below are some things I usually look into:

Timestamp & Tooling

As can be seen here, we have a compile timestamp of 3rd Feb 2023 15:13:03 UTC so its a relatively recent sample unless the timestamp was meddled with. Looking into the tooling detection graciously provided to us by Nauz File Detector, we can infer that it is was indeed written in python and PyInstaller was used to convert the python script to an executable.

Based on what I have read so far the reference to overlay here is important as most of the python bytecode and required libraries are present in this. If we check the overlay heading on this screen it says it uses zlib compression.


Old habits die hard, while in this case checking imports of the PE file was not strictly necessary since all the actual work was to be done by python bytecode and corresponding libraries, I checked it anyway.

While the imports seem common for a malware, it still seems to miss a few that I would have expected, including libraries for network communication. But seeing “LoadLibraryEx” function being imported(not shown here) from “KERNEL32.DLL” I was sure it will load more libraries during runtime. An interesting observation was missing imports of registry related functions from “ADVAPI32.DLL”.


While we already know the sample uses PyInstaller for conversion, the entropy graph at first seemed odd to me. It didn’t seem to match the table above it until I realized that “Overlay” which was zlib compressed and therefore would definitely have high entropy comprised of a significantly large chunk of data compared to other parts of the PE and therefore the graph seemed odd.


Out of habit, I checked the sections listing and one oddity I noticed was the “.data” section having relatively huge virtual size(space it is expected to occupy in ram) than its raw size(space it occupies on disk). This kind of behavior is usually observed in cases where a packed malware unpacks itself into a section which has its virtual size listed as much larger than its raw size. The section will also need to be marked as readable, writable and executable(if unpacked content is code to be executed). Here however the characteristic value “0xc0000040” implies that the section contains initialized data (0x00000040) and can be read (0x40000000) and can be written to (0x80000000) but not to be executed.


This is the most important component of analysis in the case of this malware. We know we have a python malware at hand and we know it uses PyInstaller to package it into an executable. But the path from downloading a python program packaged as executable to getting human readable python script is not a straight forward one.

Although python version upgrades usually do not seem to break the python scripts written in older versions, when it comes to the underlying python byte code these version upgrades have been changing a lot of things underneath. This does not impact you if you have the actual source code in form of python script file (.py) but if you have to deal with compiled python files (.pyc) parsing them and decompiling them into a valid .py file is a task many amazing people are putting their time and brain power into and even after all this there is still no single python decompiler out there (at the time of writing this post) that handles all bytecodes generated by all python versions and gives out a proper python script. There are multiple tools and they are limited by versions of python they support.

Given all this, it becomes important to know which version of python was used to write and compile the malware at hand and that is where strings come in, How? Let us see.

In the strings tab of Detect it Easy, if you filter for python you get above results and what do the indicate? They indicate that version 3.9 of python was used to compile this package. Now we know what version we have to look a decompiler for. Easier said than done.

Extraction and Decompilation

Before we think of decompiling python bytecode, we need to extract it from the executable and that is where an amazing opensource tool called pyinstxtractor comes into play. It supports wide range of python versions, is easy to use and gives you helpful insights like the entrypoint of the entire program in form of a <name>.pyc file. Telling you which file to decompile. One thing you need to make sure is that you run it with a python version same as the version used to package the target sample which in our case would be python version 3.9.


At this point I got a bit lazy and instead of installing python version 3.9 (my windows VM had version 3.10) I jumped into my debian VM which had the required version. Below is the command used and its output. Notice that it says “tv6.pyc” appears to be the entry point, it makes same predictions about other files as well but the last one is usually it.

root@[REDACTED]:~/Desktop/pystealer# python3 /root/Desktop/pyinstxtractor-master/ 2e7371ac46e29730ed2739b041c619ea86d41a7b5032259a02f9fc8ac397988a.exe.bin 
[+] Processing 2e7371ac46e29730ed2739b041c619ea86d41a7b5032259a02f9fc8ac397988a.exe.bin
[+] Pyinstaller version: 2.1+
[+] Python version: 3.9
[+] Length of package: 28193037 bytes
[+] Found 1093 files in CArchive
[+] Beginning extraction...please standby
[+] Possible entry point: pyiboot01_bootstrap.pyc
[+] Possible entry point: pyi_rth_subprocess.pyc
[+] Possible entry point: pyi_rth_pkgutil.pyc
[+] Possible entry point: pyi_rth_multiprocessing.pyc
[+] Possible entry point: pyi_rth_inspect.pyc
[+] Possible entry point: pyi_rth__tkinter.pyc
[+] Possible entry point: tv6.pyc
[+] Found 576 files in PYZ archive
[+] Successfully extracted pyinstaller archive: 2e7371ac46e29730ed2739b041c619ea86d41a7b5032259a02f9fc8ac397988a.exe.bin

You can now use a python decompiler on the pyc files within the extracted directory
Files extracted by pyinstxtractor from our sample


When I looked up for decompilers for python version 3.9 bytecode I found a few that could have helped but after going through some like uncompyle6, decompyle3 & pycdc I realized that as of now, I won’t be able to get a free and open source python version 3.9 decompiler that is capable of handling all the python 3.9 bytecodes without a hitch. While the public versions of decompyle3 & uncompyle6 straight up say they can not handle 3.9 bytecode, pycdc does the job but with a partially decompiled result so I went for pycdc.

Don’t get me wrong, all of these are amazing projects and I am grateful they exist, the problem is the sheer amount of under the hood changes introduced in newer python versions and a relative lack of interest in a python decompilers.

Using pycdc requires building it on your machine and then using its decompiler or disassembler as the need be. Let us look at its build process which is fairly simple.

Prerequisites: Git & Cmake

sudo apt install git cmake

Build Process:

git clone
cd pycdc && mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..

Once this is done your build directory will contain pycdc and pcdas. The executable pycdc is the decompiler and pycdas is the disassembler. Below is a screenshot outlining the commands used for decompiling and disassembling the extracted tv6.pyc.

Since pycdc was unable to completely decompile the sample I decided to disassemble it as well. Disassembly in case of python bytecode does not give x86/x64 like assembly outputs and is usually a bit more descriptive and different from those so I thought it’ll be fun trying to make sense of it.

The Reveal

Now that we have the actual script and the disassembled version we can begin analysis. Obviously I started with the easy thing first and opened the partially decompiled script in a Code OSS along with the disassembled one along side just in case I need more context. Even with partial decompilation it is a long script. Let us go through the findings.


Yes, imports again but this time its python imports.

Judging from the imports the malware seems capable of (Non-Exhaustive List):

  • Making web requests and handling responses.
  • Handle json data.
  • Perform OS operations.
  • Handle compression and decompression.
  • Interface with Sqlite3 DB, probably to save obtained victim data in a structured way.
  • Handle Base64 strings.
  • Take screenshots using pyautogui.
  • Decrypt data that was encrypted using win32crypt::CryptProtectData, which encrypts data using the session key.
  • Search using regex.
  • Encrypt and decrypt data using AES.
  • Multi-threaded operations.

Based on this, the stealer can probably harvest a lot of information from the victim’s windows machine. Let us dive deeper and see what all it intends to take.

Code Analysis

We don’t have the full python code but we do have full python bytecode to augment our analysis albeit with some pain. First let us look at some collection functions or methods as the entire thing is in form of a class.

Data Collection

First one to look into is “get_data_browser” fairly self explanatory. We can see a list of browsers it is going to target but sadly beyond this point decompiled code is not available and we will have to resort to the disassembled code.

Up until instruction 42 it seems to store the browser values in a dictionary called “browsers” and then loads it. Instructions 44 onward deal with iteration so probably something like “for browser in browsers” along with invoking method “get_all_profile” for each browser.

Here we see it opening “Local State” file which is a json file containing all profiles under the key “profile.info_chache”. Let us look at the disassembled code.

In the constants listing we see reference to profile and info_cache. Also based on the disassembled code we can infer it is iterating over all available profiles and extracting passwords, credit card information and cookies saved in browser. If successful, it would allow the attacker to gain unauthorized access to victim’s online accounts as well as credit card balance.

Next up is a function “get_master_key”. On analysis of the disassembled bytecode I feel it is better to present this function along with the functions “decrypt_payload” & “generate_cipher”. Together these are used in other data collection functions such as “grabCreditCards”, “grabPassword” & “grabCookies”. It has multiple uses in multiple functions as described below.

Credit Card Collection

The function “get_master_key” obtains the protected master key from “os_crypt.encrypted_key” and decrypts it using “CryptUnprotectData”. This master key is then used to decrypt stored credit card numbers as can be seen below. Luckily this function was decompiled completely.

Password Collection

We can see “get_master_key” returns a key here but for what purpose, we will have to find out in the disassembled code. For password collection, the malware uses “decrypt_password” which in turn uses functions called “decrypt_payload” and “generate_cipher”. Also as can be seen above, it stores facebook passwords separate from others.

The above code takes IV and encrypted content (password it is attempting to steal) and a reference to an AES cipher using GCM Mode (from “generate_cipher”) then passes it onto “decrypt_payload” to decrypt the password, returning a decrypted password to “grabPassword”.

This function segregates passwords into those of facebook accounts and those belonging to other accounts then stores them at “C:\Users\<username>\AppData\Local\Temp\Venus_Stealer\Venus++\Facebook_Password.txt” & “C:\Users\<username>\AppData\Local\Temp\Venus_Stealer\Venus++\NeedCheck_Password.txt” respectively.

Cookie Collection

Next we focus on cookie collection because that aspect leads to a lot of functions and information gathering functions most of which are targeted at the victim’s facebook account. Since the code for this is too large to put screenshot of here, I will try to give just an overview of it.

  • Gets master key from get_master_key.
  • Copies login db to “Loginvault.db” then connects to it.
  • For each cookie entry, it decryots the encrypted value using “decrypt_password”.
  • Pushes the decrypted cookie along with other values to “wire_cookie”.
  • “wire_cookie” segregates these into general, facebook & non-facebook ones and writes to “C:\Users\<username>\AppData\Local\Temp\Venus_Stealer\Venus++\<browser name>_Cookies.txt”, “C:\Users\<username>\AppData\Local\Temp\Venus_Stealer\Venus++\Facebook_Cookies.txt” & “C:\Users\<username>\AppData\Local\Temp\Venus_Stealer\Venus++\NeedCheck_Cookie.txt” respectively.

I will briefly go over a few more functions that make use of these cookies.

  • “checkAds” : Extracts c_user and hands it to “checkAd” for further inspection.
  • “checkAd” : Obtains Facebook account’s access token & anti-CSRF token. Using below mentioned functions it obtains more information about the victim’s account including payment information etc.
  • “getListAccInfo” : Uses facebook’s graph api to get a lot of information about victim’s account. An interesting one is that it uses “getCard” function to obtain payment card information stored with facebook for victim’s account.
  • “getListFanPage” : Tries to get a list of all fan pages run by the account along with information on active ad campaigns, number of fans etc.
  • “getListBM” : Gathers information regarding business being managed (on facebook) by victim account, their extended credit etc.
  • “getListGroup” : Obtains a list of all groups the victim is an administrator on along with number of members.


Yes it takes a screenshot, just one, and saves it to “C:\Users\<username>\AppData\Local\Temp\Venus_Stealer\Screenshot.png”.

Sending Data

Now that we have looked at what all data it gathers, let us look at some functions involved in sending the data to the mothership. The place to start here is “SendInfo” but it is hardly decompiled, so we’ll head into its disassembly.

As the bytecode is too long, I took a sideways screenshot. Hope this is readable.

Looking at the code, It obtains location information of the victim based on their ip address using runs “checkAds” method discussed earlier. After clubbing the data (or a segment of it) together it sends a post request to “” using function “CheckInfo”.

It then seems to prepare a url for an api request to send above mentioned data in a zipped format to a telegram bot at URL “” . Here it also makes a reference to a telegram chat id “-840681657“, It seems to be a group chat ID but I did not go down that rabbit hole due to time constraints.

Following this it uses “sendAccountFolow” to send some information shown below to a google script;

Following this it uses “sendCreditCard” method to send information shown below to google script

With this ends the analysis of Venus Stealer’s python side of things.


This section summarizes the findings of the analysis above, as I have not dug into the PE File itself and the corresponding assembly this might not contain all the indicators. It also may not enlist all capabilities. All that was seen in the extracted python code/bytecode is here nothing else.


  • Extract user information (stored passwords, stored cookies & stored credit cards) from a subset of browsers.
  • Gather information from the victim’s facebook account using facebook’s graph api and other endpoints.
  • From victim’s facebook account it tries to identify if it is a business account, if it has ad campaigns sunning, payment methods, fan pages administered etc.
  • Exfiltrate the collected information via telegram and google scripts.

Telegram related Information:

Google Scripts:


Update 1 : Data storage and automated data handling using Google App Script & google sheet.

DISCLAIMER : I don’t actually know how google app scripts used in this malware actually work so this isn’t an exact description or analysis of the same, i was just curious on how it could be done. That lead to this, the information presented in this article is purely for educational purposes and any use of the same in any form of activities is your own responsibility. I will not be responsible for the same.

To use google app scripts and google sheets for processing and storing data received from the web (any device capable of sending a post request over internet) is actually pretty simple. Below is the process:

  1. Create a google sheet, named for e.g. test_sheet.
  2. Go to Extensions > App Scripts
  3. Modify the empty function to receive json input and after desired processing add to the sheet.
  4. Now deploy it as a web app and save the web app url which should be something like:<YOUR DEPLOYMENT ID>/exec

To test the same, you can send a post request with a body type set as json and data in the body just like the case in this malware. I have tested this and it works even on a free google account.

From the malware perspective all they will need to do is send a post request to their relevant URL which should not be inspected too much (unless the blue teams have considered this possibility) since it is going to google.

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